Watsons Voucher Codes
- January 2025✅ Verified and 👍 Tested Discount Codes for Watsons Singapore.
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Watsons is the foremost beauty and Health retailer in Asia. It is presently operating over 4,800 stores and more than 1,400 pharmacies in 11 European and Asian markets, including Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Turkey, China (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau) and Ukraine. Talking about Watson Singapore, it has over 100 stores located islandwide. It came into existence in the year 1928 and is owned by the Hong Kong listed A.S. Watson Group, CK Hutchison Holdings Limited. Watson have a philosophy to keep customers happy and lively by bringing them products for the customers to look and feel good. Watson has grown since its beginning. In the year 2009, Watson became the number one drugstore/pharmacy brand in Asia. In January 2011, Watson became the first beauty and Health retailer to be awarded the certification of S-Class i.e. Singapore Service Class by SPRING Singapore. This certificate is given to those businesses that have achieved an excellence over the fields of customer satisfaction and leadership.
They offer products for Skin, Health, Personal Care, Lifestyle, Makeup and many other products. For the convenience of their customers they provide various payment methods, so that they can choose the mode that they find convenient. You can like them on Facebook, Follow them on LinkedIn and Tweet them at @WatsonSG. You can join their mailing list for latest deals and Watson Offers.
Category Details
Watson provides various Health Supplements, Travel Essentials, Beauty Care Products, Makeup Products and various Watson Promotions. Some of the categories under which they provide their products include Skin, Health, Make Up, Hair, Personal Care, Baby Products, Life style Products and many more.
The products provided by them are from brands like Adidas, Afrin, Alpecin, Asience, Atorrege Ad+, Avalon Organics, Canmake, B, Dolly Wink, Banana Boat, Batiste, Dhc, Blink Contacts, Bausch & Lomb, Beautybiotics, Beiklin, Darlie, Borsh Med, Benzac, Berocca, Dove, Betadine, Dcs, Dettol, Beyond Bodiheat, Bifesta, Bigen Speedy, Bio Essence, Bio-Oil, Bioderma, Dr. Wu, Biore, Blackmores, Blink-N-Clean, Block Up!, Curel, Boh, Bourjois, Brand's, Browlash, C, Cala, Canesten, Cetaphil, Cielo Mousse, Cardiprin, Clairol, Clarityn, Dequadin, Clean & Clear, Clearblue, Clear, Colgate, Clio, Cure, D, Daeng Gi Meo Ri, Durex and many more.
Payment Methods
You can make the payment by using American Express, Master Card and VISA Card. All the information such as your personal details and card details are kept confidential with them They understand the importance of privacy and thus they protect your information through high security protocols. Do not worried about the safety of your details while dealing with them. You can make use of Watson Discount Codes to get rebate on your shopping cart.
Tips to Save
Sg.paylesser.com is amongst the significant coupon aggregating site in Singapore. We offer highly dependable, free of cost coupon codes to our customers that are directly acquired from the various e-Commerce vendors. Serving with extreme enthusiasm, we are able to bring the splendid coupon deals that are fortified with amazing discounts that are created to help you save your money on shopping online. You can connect with us on Pinterest, follow us on Google+ and Facebook. Log on to your account and avail the subscription to our Newsletter page to get the newest updates on the upcoming coupons. Make use of our complimentary Watson Voucher Codes to get the desired products at reasonable prices.
To redeem the codes, just follow these couple of steps mentioned below and avail heavy discounts on your purchase.
- Visit the website
- Log on to your Account
- Select the product
- Add the item to your cart
- Review your cart
- Go to sg.paylesser.com
- Search for Watson, Select the required code and click to copy it
- Redirect to the merchant website
- Use the coupon code while making the final payments
Delivery Options
You can either pickup directly from any of their 50 stores in Singapore or can opt for Home delivery. If you choose to pick up from their stores, you will not be charged with any amount of shipping charge. Home delivery is free for order that have a value greater than $80, while for orders less than this amount, you will have to pay $8 as a delivery fees. All the orders are processed and are delivered within 2 business days. Currently, Watson doesn’t ship Internationally and the shipping is just limited within Singapore.
Contact Details
You can refer to their FAQ section to get the answer to your query or simply fill the form given on their website to know the solution to your doubts.