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Kinohimitsu is one of Singapore’s leading portal that deals with functional natural drinks and pads to provide effective and quick deliveries for all your beauty, health and detox needs. Kinohimitsu offers effective and safe consumption of a number of natural products. Premier aim of Kinohimitsu is to improve the life and wellbeing of the customers. They are blessed with a robust team of scientists that are obsessive about botanic health activists. They search for new herbs and plants by venturing into the rainforest to discover healing and positive energy plant properties that could benefit humans.
What Their Offers?
Their products list comprises of the widest collection of merchandise and categories. Though they possess them through their manufacturers and suppliers, but they itself go for testing to keep maintain their tone and thus by doing so they even trim down their price. Here, below, is a comprehensive list of their products and offerings such as
- Detox
- Beauty
- Health
- Weight Management
- Regimen
They guarantee their customers with 100% originality and natural ingredients to which their products categorized of. Here, below, is listed up some of their more benefits and promises which guide you even better to how to go with Kinohimitsu products.
Key features of our products include:
Use of naturally active plant-extracted ingredients including perilla seed extract, royal jelly and others. The products offered are 100 percent natural with zero preservatives, flavors and artificial coloring and no added sugar.
They follow their own exclusive liquid formula that supports high absorption while their pads use renowned healing methods and advanced technology.
They believe in quality, owing to their high degree of quality control they are accredited with a number of accreditations including USA FDA certification, CE Mark, GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), HAACP and Halal Certification.
Shipping & Delivery
They offer free transportation across Singapore locations, if the order is more than $80. However, they charge $10 to their shipping cost from the customers whose products cost doesn’t reaches to $80. They mainly deliver their wares in between to 6pm and 10pm on weekdays.
They also deliver their merchandised to international locations such as to the United Kingdom, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Australia and Philippines. For international deliveries, you may even get in contact with them through mailing them at
Returns & Exchanges
They take pride in their merchandise and their associated delivery brands, which they deliver through their well trusted shipping partners. But, yet they understand the defects that might encounter to your style of getting perfect delivery. It could be a case of incorrect delivery both from their dispatching partners or your product gets damaged in the middle of its cargo. For these causes, they permit their customers to give their defective products back to them within a stipulated time period along with a prior notification to their customer executive members.
Cancellation Rules
Since we are humans and its human tendency to determine later on what he has caused. They allow easy cancellations of their products on their website page. To avail full refund, you need to cancel it before they package the products and send it to their shipping partners for deliver.
Payment Options
They accept numerous modes of payment choices as listed below:
- PayPal
- Master Card
Apart from their above mentioned payment gateways, they also provide security protocols to ensure your personal data and credit card details so that you love shopping there again.
Tips to Save at Voucher Codes
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Contact Kinohimitsu At
Kinohimitsu welcomes feedback, comments and compliments from its customers. They have hired a team of highly trained professionals who cautiously understand the customer’s needs and give them the adequate solution. You can contact them at:
178 Paya Lebar Road
#04-02, Singapore 409030
Phone: 6281 3888